Friday, July 15, 2011

Lobster Roll Recipe

I was reading The Times, and the food section had this column on finding the best lobster roll in New York City.

And I read the descriptions of the rolls, and I was pretty grossed out by some of the totally unnecessary ingredients: Chives?  Tabasco?  Lemon?  Tarragon?  BACON BITS??!!

Please New York, don't fuck with the lobster roll.  Look what happened when you tried to make chowder.  It was a disaster.

 I guess I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to lobster.

I grew up around a lot of fishermen, and we ate a lot of lobster when I was growing up. 

I could inhale one of those little suckers dry in about 10 minutes.

As for lobster rolls: no extra ingredients. 

No celery. 


I don't mind mayo, if that's your thing, but only a little.

So, I've decided to share my recipe for the Best Lobster Roll You'll Ever Eat with you.

You need the meat of a whole lobster.  It can be chilled, but I think this particular recipe works best if the meat is just a little under room temperature.  It needs to be FRESH.  If it's frozen, you might as well just give up right now.  Lobster meat should NEVER be frozen.  That's just wrong.  If all you have is frozen, throw it in a pot and make a fish stew instead.

Butter a large delicious hot dog bun and griddle it til it's toasty.

Fill the roll with the lobster meat.  ALL of it.   No mayo, it doesn't need it.

Melt about a tablespoon of butter (allright, two tablespoons) and drizzle it over the lobster meat.

That's it.

Trust me.

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