Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ghost Story

I haven't been blog writing all that much lately:  I was cast in a short film that's been shooting the last two weekends on Georges Island.  It's called (at least right now) "Independence Day" and it's about a repressed, schlubby, Walt Whitman-obsessed gay guy (me) who spends his July 4th on Georges Island -  misses the boat back to Boston - and is forced to spend the night alone in the dark, playing creepy (and somewhat erotic) cat and mouse games with a hunky, Civil War-era ghost. 

Now, I know what you're thinking:  "Not ANOTHER gay, Civil War, ghost story!"  But this one is different, I swear!

It's been great fun working on a film: so different from theatre - the tech, rehearsal and performance are all happening simultaneously.  And it's somewhat comforting to know that if you totally mess up, someone can just yet "Cut!" and you can do it all over.  Can't do THAT onstage!

The cast and crew are great.  Grant MacDermott plays the ghost, and he's terrific and very nice (if you're going to be haunted, let it be him!) and my good friend Rick Park is going to play my draconian boss in the office scenes (the whole island is a flashback).

I could see why someone would want to shoot a film on Georges Island - (I've never been, even though I've lived here my whole life, and it's really great.  If you haven't yet, you should go: the ferry is only 14 bucks): the light is absolutely incredible, and Fort Warren is genuinely creepy and beautiful at once.

Here's some pics I took!


  1. Sounds fun! Was the whole shoot on the island? Great pictures.

  2. Oh Hi Art!
    Thank you!
    So far, yes, it was all on the island. But now that's over and we just have the office scenes, which I'm sure will not be nearly as pretty.
    Hope all is well with you and A.


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